Product Feature
◆ 先进的叶轮
advanced wheel
★ SQN风机叶轮采用CAD流场模拟技术优化设计的后倾离心叶轮,具备高效、低噪、稳定的运行性能。
Model SQN fans use the most up-to-date hydro-field simulating technology during the design process. The wheel is highly efficient ,produces minimal noise, and guarantees stable perfor-
Mance .
★ SQN每个叶轮均经过静态和动态平衡,平衡等级达到G2.5,确保库克的产品可以长期按期运行。
Every wheel is statically and dynamically balanced to the level of G2.5. This would help the cook fan running quietly after long time.
◆ 无蜗壳机构
Plug fan struture
★ 空气直接吸入叶轮加压,改善气流组织。
Plug fan derectly suck air into wheel and pressurize, air flow pattern improved.
★ 直连结构不会产生尘粒,适用于食品、医药、微电子工业的洁净室。
Direct drive no dust generated, suitable for clean rooms of food , pharmaceutical and wafer fab.
◆ 外形设计专业—安装更方便
Professional Design—easier to connect
★ 方形设计多出口方向,电机可以在不同位置安装,设计施工更加方便灵活。
Square casing with multi-discharge , motor can be multi-position, more convenient and flexible for design & construction.
★ 节省风管连接费用,施工周期短。
Duct connection cost reduced , and jobsite working time saved.
★ 标准配置正方形进出口套法兰,节省“天圆地方”转接头和法兰圈。
Square inlet/outlet sleeve flange as standard accessories , round/square convertion duct
◆ 可选范围广—性价比高
Wide range of choise-----highly cost effective
★ 叶轮直径可达一米,减少台数,降低初投资
Maximum wheel diameter is 1 meter, reduce fan quantity and primary investment.
★ 不需要配蜗壳,风机体积小,方便安装。
The scroll is saved and the cabinet size is reduced.
◆ 超低噪音
Ultralow noise
与传统轴流类的本质区别为转速降低了15%~20%, 声压级区间下移了6~10分贝
Compare with conventional axial flow fans rotation speed is reduced 15%~20%, the sound pressure level range reduced by 6~10dBA.
◆ 齐全的配件:
Complete accessories
★ 室外安装时可选配45°防雨罩(送风时配90°防雨罩),有效防止室外雨水溅入室内。
When fan mounted outdoor , Weather-hood(45°- exhaust and 90°-supply ) prevents water into the room.
★ 风机可配带铝制重力止回风阀,保持室内外空气封闭,防止冷风倒灌。
Back-draft damper:ensure the workshop keeps closed when the fan is not running.
★ 风机内部消音 Acoustical housing
风机内部附加高级消音材料,可以将风机的声压级降低4~6 dBA.
Apply high class acoustical material inside, the fan casing to reduce sound pressure level at about 4~6 dBA.
★橡胶减震垫 Rubber isolation pad
The rubber isolation pad is located above curb cap,which is waterproof and sealed and can effectively reduce vibration,lower noise.
★减振器 Vibration isolators
Vibration isolators can be hung or floor-mounted ,material can be neoprene or spring type.