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离心通风机 你现在的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 离心通风机
  • 产品型号:CPG(CPS)
  • 产品产地:天津
  • 产品品牌:天津库克
  • 产品颜色:7035
  • 市场价:0.00
[订购产品] | [留言咨询] | [产品相册] 所属分类:离心通风机


Product  Feature


advanced  wheel

★ CPS风机叶轮采用CAD流场模拟技术优化设计的后倾离心叶轮,具备高效、低噪、稳定的运行性能。

Model CPS fans use the most up-to-date hydro-field simulating technology during the design process. The wheel is highly efficient ,produces minimal noise, and guarantees stable perfor-

Mance .


Every wheel is statically and dynamically balanced to the level of G2.5. This would help the cook fan running quietly after long time.


Compact profile

★ 风机的蜗壳中心高降低,节省风管安装空间。

The low center height of scroll leaves more space for duct installation.

★ 风机皮带长度缩短,延长皮带使用寿命。

Belt length reduce and belt life extended.

★ 风机整体结构紧凑,重量更轻,节约机房占地,

Fan size reduced and has low weight, expensive mechanical room space saved.


Housing can be rotated at jobsite


Scroll is fixed by 8  bolts, draft direction can be rotated at jobsite.


Natural explosion resistant

铝制叶轮,铝制进风口,SPARK 防爆。

Aluminum wheel & inlet , spark B resistant construction.


Suitable for outdoor installation

★ 风机采用完全防护,运转部件与雨、雪隔离。

Avoid sunshine, rain, snow directly impact on running parts.

★ 整体防雨罩可以有效保护驱动部分。

Optional weather-hood can protect the whole drive.


★ 蜗壳自带检修门,可清除叶轮及蜗壳内污垢.

The access door made in the casing is helpful to clean the inner of the fan.

★ 电机两侧设有检修门

Access doors are available on both sides of motor chamber.


Complete accessories



When fan mounted outdoor , Weather-hood shall be selected to prevent motor, pulley & bearing from sunshine, rain and snow.

★  排污孔


Located on the bottom of scroll to discharge contaminated substance .

 轴承延长润滑油管(限皮带传动结构)Extended lube linesApply to belt drive only)


Use extended lube lines for easy maintenance, avoiding removing bearing cover while oiling .

★   减振器 Vibration isolators


Vibration isolators can be hung or floor-mounted ,material can be neoprene or spring type.

 进出口软连接Inlet/Outlet Flexible Duct Connector


Flexible Duct Connectors provide a flexible connection between the fan and the attached ductwork. This reduces the transmission of noise and vibration to the ductwork as well as allowing for slight misalignment.

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